scooters - 03/13/25 08:27 PM
i went for cruise on my scooter
i dont have any brakes but oh well
i decided to go to my local park
when i got to the park i did a few wheelies omw to a spot to sit and when i arrived i took off my helmet and climbed some structure to get good view
random group of girls freshman or maybe middle school saw me came up to me and called me cool
i didnt know how to react so i was probably asshole to them
then in like a single file line or smt they all asked for my insta
im scared about people in my city knowing who i am
even surrounding cities will know
cool dude with same passion for scooters as me came up and started asking questions about mine
turns out hes also incredibly technical if not more so and has alot more knowledge than me about it
or at least alot more refined knowledge
i still dont want people to know who i am
also that group of girls, i gave them my insta, so now they can probably find my website
idk why that was the first thing i thought of i was stupid
if one of you happen to be reading this, make sure you try not to talk about me
i dont want to be known whatsoever
unrelated but they and cool scooter dude thought i was male
kind of broke my heart even if i am cis
i dont like being seen as different gender