
missing - 11/17/24 10:40 AM

i think i need to disappear for a while

a long while

every trace of my existence gone

archived groupchats and screenshots of my website being the only proof i existed maybe

i dont even want to exist to my family

or my friends

maybe ill kill myself

but i couldnt dump my OWN body in the lake

that august person i mentioned

they told the scariest teacher fucking ever i cut myself

they know my website

they say it was a "spur of the moment" thing and i cant trust they wont do it again

im so sure they will do it again

if i say shit like "ill kill myself" and they report me august will be a hypocrite

i dont care how well intentioned my teacher is either

i dont care if they also gave themselves countless scars

my mom did too and i still dont care if shes well intentioned

i dont care if my mom really loves me, she is a really terrible person, she shouldn't have had kids

its a long story

but in the end she just passed the generational basketcase wagon down to me